Rtcp Message
Represents a message containing RTCP data.
This data class encapsulates various RTCP parameters including call information, media directions, jitter, packet count, and more.
Dominik Ridjic
If callId, addressLocal, addressRemote, addressRemoteDisplayName or callDirection is missing before calling Builder.build
Builder class for RtcpMessage.
The local address associated with the call.
The remote address associated with the call.
The display name associated with the remote address.
The direction of the audio media.
The remote direction of the audio media.
The direction of the call.
The audio level of incoming media.
The total audio energy of incoming media over the lifetime of the call.
The audio level of outgoing media.
The total audio energy of outgoing media over the lifetime of the call.
The direction of the video media.
The remote direction of the video media.